Health and Safety


At Trillium Montessori, we go above and beyond to ensure the health and safety of our children and staff. In addition to our standard nightly deep cleaning procedures performed by our professional cleaning company, we have also been conducting enhanced cleaning measures throughout the day to minimize the spread of germs. We perform frequent sanitization of all surfaces including high-touch areas like door handles, light switches, classroom sink knobs,

countertops, nap cots, tables, chairs, cubbies, learning materials, and toys. We make sure all highly used objects are properly disinfected on a routine basis.

For the time being, we will have restricted access inside the school building. Children will be dropped off at the door where our staff will check their temperatures with a no touch thermometer. This process is repeated before leaving the building as well. We require parents to wear masks during drop off and pick up. To avoid crowding and remain socially distanced, we ask parents to please stay in their car if they see another parent at the door. Once a child is checked in for the day, they are instructed to sanitize their hands. After reaching their classroom, they will wash their hands more thoroughly.

We would like to remind everyone – parents, children, and faculty alike – to stay home at the first sign of illness. Please contact your health provider if you experience any signs or symptoms we have listed above. If a child is sick at school, they will be isolated from everyone else at our center and will need to be picked up immediately. Children must be fever-free and symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine before returning to school.

If a stay-at-home order is put into place or in the event of closure for quarantine, we will offer virtual classes (group or one-on-one) and downloadable worksheets for writing practice. Our top priority is to keep our entire Trillium family healthy and safe. We ask you for your continued patience and cooperation as we implement and fine tune our procedures to best serve our children and community.